Taking care of your employees is one of the key parts of running a successful HVAC business. It’s really challenging to find and keep good HVAC professionals just now, and pay is a hot topic as people see how in demand their skills have become.

As you look to hire more HVAC professionals how much to pay them is going to be one of your top questions. To help you, we’ve put together the HVAC salary guide using data from Payscale. It’s based on national averages, years of experience, job title, and location.

National averages

$49,535 – average HVAC salary

$36,614 – average salary for new HVAC technicians

$72,899 – average salary for HVAC service managers

How much does an HVAC technician make?

An HVAC technician’s salary, like almost every other job, is impacted by four key factors.

  • Experience: Technicians with more experience generally command higher salaries than those who are just starting out in the field
  • Location: The cost of living and demand for HVAC services can vary greatly depending on where you’re located, so salaries can also vary depending on the state your technicians are in
  • Specialization: HVAC technicians who specialize in commercial or industrial HVAC systems, may expect higher salaries than those who work in the residential sector
  • Education: Technicians who hold certifications or licenses, such as NATE certification or a state HVAC license, might expect higher salaries than those who don’t

You can always hire people with more or less experience, education, or specialization. But the chances are you’re going to hire HVAC technicians locally to your business, or where your customers are based. For that reason, the impact of location on salaries is one of the first factors worth understanding.

HVAC technicians, on average, have a salary of $49,535. At the senior level, and with a title to match, HVAC service managers have an average salary of $72,899. But, because these are average figures, there are very different upper and lower limits based on state and experience.

If you’re in New Mexico, Oregon, or California, expect to pay more, as these states have had the biggest salary increases for entry-level techs since January 2020. But, if you’re in Missouri or Nebraska, you may pay less, as these states have increased at a slower rate.

How much does an HVAC installer make?

Although it depends on your particular business, and whether you’re a dedicated maintenance provider, it’s also worth considering HVAC installer salaries. The overall average HVAC installer’s salary is $47,837 per year. But there is a massive variance in this number, again built around location, experience, education, and specialization.

How much difference does experience make to an HVAC technician’s salary?

Experience plays a big part in how high a salary an HVAC technician can expect to receive. More experience generally means a higher salary, and we can see that in the nationwide averages.


Less than 3 years’ experience 3 to 5 years experience 6-9 years experience 10 to 16 years experience More than 17 years experience
$36,614 $44,743 $50,037 $55,178 $61,101

Why should HVAC salaries matter to you?

If you’re hiring an HVAC technician, be aware that the high demand for skilled HVAC techs means that you’ll have pay a premium to get quality people. And it’s not just getting them through the door, it’s keeping them as well. In fact, the demand is so high that salaries are still increasing to attract qualified candidates.

Business owners throughout the HVAC industry are struggling to find enough skilled technicians. That means that if you want to hire the best people out there, you will have to put your hand in your pocket. Once you’ve onboarded an HVAC technician, you also need to work hard to retain them. That is done through a number of avenues, including salary, benefits, and your company culture.

The bottom line

For those considering a career in HVAC, it’s worth noting that there are plenty of opportunities to specialize and advance your career. For example, you could focus on commercial HVAC systems, which tend to be more complex than residential systems. Alternatively, you could specialize in a specific type of HVAC system, such as geothermal or solar-powered systems. 

Many of these specialist areas are experiencing high growth and high demand for technicians.

But, for those running HVAC businesses, salaries are rising as the demand for technicians rises. That means getting your pay structure right goes a long way in attracting the talent you need to make your business a success.


HVAC technician salaries are influenced by four key factors:

  • Experience
  • Location
  • Specialization
  • Education. 

HVAC technicians, on average, have a salary of $49,535. At the senior level, and with a title to match, HVAC service managers have an average salary of $72,899. But, because these are average figures, there are very different upper and lower limits based on state and experience.