24/7 live call answering service:
an essential tool for a job well done.

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Handy call answering professionals.

AnswerForce partners with ACE Handyman Services throughout the United States.
We'll be there for your customers, whenever and wherever inspiration strikes. Plus, whenever
someone calls, we can verify if the caller is within your territory, using a zip code look-up tool.
  • 290,000+

    calls managed from June
    2015 to August 2023
  • 125+

    ACE Handyman Service
    supported by AnswerForce

Integrated lead capture
and communications.

  • 24/7 answering services

    With 24/7 virtual receptionists, your calls will be answered the way you prefer, every time. Never miss another call.

  • Custom scripting

    Our team will work with you to tailor your script with small adjustments, so that every franchise call is answered just as you would.

  • Active call patching

    Our virtual receptionists will screen your incoming calls and transfer them to the appropriate team contact, in real time.

  • Lead capture

    Proactive receptionists will qualify and capture the information from your inbound calls so you can begin scoping the job.

  • Lead response

    Our team can also place outbound calls to new contacts from webform submissions or your business software, in 5 minutes or less.

  • Lead re-engagement

    Just like retargeting, our team can contact and qualify older leads who have shown interest in your franchise in the past.


Why Ace Handyman Services uses our 24/7 call answering services.

John Berringer knows the value in providing consistent, trustworthy customer service with live voice answering.

Find out how AnswerForce has helped his franchise to grow.

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Ace franchise owner talks about AnswerForce

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We are planting a tree
for every customer, every month.

0 000 000 trees

Grow with us