Pledge People,
Not Bots.
Watch the video to find out why.
Watch the video to find out why.
At AnswerForce, we're dedicated to putting people first and keeping the service industry human. We're committed to keeping real people at the heart of customer service and our business.
AnswerForce is part of Pledge People, Not Bots to protect the future of real people in customer-facing roles. We are here to help our customers grow and build trust with their customers - this happens when real people are involved.
Always use real people in
customer service roles
Not to use chatbots or other AI when connecting with another person
Prioritise people and
giving back
Human connection is the foundation of the service industry. People want to be heard and feel supported, especially in an emergency.
But AI can't hear you - it's an imitation of a real person.
of people think companies should have to disclose when they're using AI instead of real people, most don't.*
Companies look to AI to perform complex and repetitive tasks.
But AI should never be allowed to replicate real, meaningful human communication. Connection is a people thing. Let's keep it that way.
prefer to speak to a real person over AI or a chatbot when they contact a business.*
We believe only real people can offer the connection you
need to build lasting relationships with your customers.
Start growing your business with real people today.
* Based on an independent international OnePoll survey of 6,000 consumers. October 2021.
We are planting a tree
for every customer, every month.