Experience the power of live 24/7 call handling. With our virtual receptionists you can be sure that your calls will be answered the way you prefer, whenever your customers call. Never miss another call.
A team of account managers will work with you to craft a call script which is completely customized for your franchise. We'll ensure all bases are covered so we can help your customers, no matter the reason for their call.
Your callers want to be connected to the right department as soon as possible. Our virtual receptionists will screen your incoming calls and transfer them live to the right team or person based on your preferences.
We respond to your inbound calls in less than four rings to qualify and capture the information you need to make the sale.
We place outbound calls to new contacts from webform submissions or your sales software in less than five minutes.
Just like retargeting, if you have an old list of leads who have shown interest in your business, we can contact and qualify them.
Capture new leads while engaging with visitors over web chat. The live chat team offers back-up support whenever needed.
Book new client consultations as soon as someone calls. Keep the focus on building relationships.
Power your decision-making with intelligent video conferencing. Get ready to work on those actions!
We are planting a tree
for every customer, every month.